WoW Classic Technical Lead Director Leaves Activision Blizzard Over Employee Review Policies

Mia Clark


WoW Classic Technical Lead Director Leaves Activision Blizzard Over Employee Review Policies

Birmingham's departure from Activision Blizzard came as a surprise to many in the gaming industry. Birmingham has been a technical lead director on the popular World of Warcraft Classic since its launch in 2019. He was known for his dedication and expertise in the role. However, it was recently revealed that Birmingham had left Activision Blizzard in protest of the company's employee review policies.

Allegedly, the company had implemented a ranking system in 2021 that required at least 5% of employees to be categorized as low-performing. This directly affected their end-of-year profit share and chances of working within certain development teams. Birmingham was one of the people responsible for completing reviews and refused to downgrade employees’ status in order to meet the 5% quota. As a result, he decided to leave the company. 

This news has been met with both criticism and support from the gaming community. Many have praised Birmingham for its principled stance, while others have condemned Activision Blizzard for its policies. There have been calls for the company to reconsider its review system, which has been described as unfair and potentially damaging to employee morale.

Others have argued that the quota system could be beneficial for both the company and its employees. By setting a minimum requirement for performance, Activision Blizzard could ensure that its employees are meeting the standards required to do their jobs well. This could, in turn, lead to better overall results for the company.

Birmingham's departure from Activision Blizzard has shone a spotlight on the company's employee review policies. While some have criticized the system, others have argued that it could be beneficial for both the employees and the company. It remains to be seen how the situation will be resolved and what impact it will have on the future of Activision Blizzard and its employees.
