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Dawn of Zombies: Survival after the Last War

Dawn of Zombies: Survival of the Last War (or simply D.O.Z.) is an online sandbox game for mobile players in which players build their bases and fight zombies as well as each other. The game is driven by theLast Day on Earth engine, so it almost completely copies its gameplay. But D.O.Z. has a lot of interesting differences. The creators of the game are determined to add a lot of content to it.

In Dawn of Zombies, the player does not just survive and fight. There is a full-fledged storyline with quests and charismatic characters. A chain of story quests will begin immediately after the start of the game.

Differences from Last Day on Earth are already visible at the character creation stage. In Dawn of Zombies, you can customize it in much more detail. You can choose from several hairstyles and beards. You can customize the hair and skin color. A tattoo can be put on his chest.There is also a button that enables you to view what the character will look like in the top equipment sets.

Dawn of Zombies is a survival game, so the hero has hunger and thirst indicators. You will have to keep a close eye on them, eat food, and drink water in time so as not to die. If the hunger and thirst stats are okay, the player will regenerate health.

In Dawn of Zombies, each player has his base. This is a separate location, which is also the start of the game. Already from the beginning, there is a half-destroyed house and a beautiful NPC girl who will command you soon, issuing various quests. Soon, there will also be a child in the shelter, which you have to shelter according to the story, and then other NPCs.

On the territory of his base, the player can install various technical devices, as well as elements of decor - beds, chairs, tables, etc. It is important to allocate a room for storage and protect it so that the players can not get to your belongings.

The game has a large arsenal of weapons. You can craft anything you want as long as you have enough raw materials to do so. Also present are some nice sets of top armor. And to fit a lot of items in your inventory, you'll have to get roomy backpacks.

In the locations, you can always find a lot of valuable items, especially if it is some military base, bunker, or laboratory. Here, you will discover plenty of firearms, high-level armor, and other useful items. But don't forget that you may have competitors!

Players frequently congregate in identical areas and are at liberty to eliminate one another from the competition. Should a character meet their demise, the entirety of their carried items will be left behind, scattering on the ground, allowing adversaries to claim those possessions as their own.

In addition, in Dawn of Zombies, players can attack and loot each other's hideouts. That is why it is better to protect your storehouses as securely as possible.


Unlike Last Day on Earth, Dawn of Zombies has a solid plot and a lot of NPCs that will give tasks to the protagonist. There will also be a "chalkboard" in the player's home where daily quests can always be found. Rewards for entering the game are also present. The developers have big plans for the game. They listen to the feedback and opinions of players, so the sandbox Dawn of Zombies is gradually getting better. Each update adds new content and improves the gameplay.If you are a lover of survival sandboxes with free PVP and Full-Loot system, you will love this game.

Dawn of Zombies: Survival after the Last War Logo

To download the app, you will get links to the Official Website and/or official digital markets.