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Despicable Мe 4

Venturing Once More into Gru's World

From my first step into the cinema, the vibrancy and sheer anticipation for Despicable Me 4 became palpable. The previous installations had set a high bar with their mix of humor, heart, and whimsical espionage. As the film began, I found myself reacquainted with the familiar yet refreshing world of Gru and his gang.

The Story Arc: A Delightful Swing of Drama and Comedy

The Story Arc A Delightful Swing of Drama and Comedy

Having enjoyed the stunning success of Despicable Me 3, my expectations were naturally lofted higher. Maxime Le Mal's escape from incarceration introduced an electrifying essence, setting the tone for high-stakes drama mixed perfectly with the comedic nuances we've come to cherish. Particularly noteworthy is how the inclusion of Gru Jr. adds a new layer of familial conflict and dynamics, proving to be both heartwarming and imperative to the storyline.

Character Development: Old Faces, New Depths

It's always delightful seeing familiar faces evolve. Gru, once the reformed villain and now a protective father, showcases impeccable growth. His interactions with Gru Jr. are particularly touching, with Gru's paternal instincts being framed beautifully against backdrops of chaos and hilarity. Lucy remains the ever-supportive yet formidable partner-in-crime, showcasing an unparalleled synergy with Gru that's both endearing and dynamic.

New Characters Bringing Fresh Energy

The introduction of Maxime Le Mal, voiced by Will Ferrell, was a masterstroke. His flamboyant villainy brings a unique flair, complemented seamlessly by Sofía Vergara's sultry Valentina. The Prescotts, with an ambitious Joey King playing Poppy Prescott, add a refreshing dimension of contrasting ideologies and unexpected alliances.

Animation Quality: A Visual Feast

Illumination has once again outdone themselves. The animation is crisp, colorful, and packed with minute details that bring each scene to life. The bustling cityscapes, quirky gadgets, and expressive Minions all reflect an artistry that's mesmerizing to behold. Whether it's the glowing neon lights of a nighttime invasion or the serene sunsets of the new neighborhood, each frame feels meticulously crafted.

Musical Score: Setting the Right Tone

Musical Score Setting the Right Tone

Music remains an integral part of the Despicable Me franchise. Pharrell Williams and Heitor Pereira's collaboration once again brings about a score that's both catchy and deeply intertwined with the film's narrative. "Double Life," Pharrell's new single, stood out not only for its infectious groove but also for how it encapsulates the essence of balancing one's darker impulses with the more mundane facets of life.

Humor: A Triumphant Return to Form

The humor in Despicable Me 4 strikes a delicate balance between slapstick and clever wit. The Minions, as expected, serve up laughs aplenty with their nonsensical chatter and chaotic antics. Yet, it's the subtle humor - Poppy Prescott's aspirations juxtaposed with her parents’ mundane suburban life or Gru's exasperated fatherly moments - that resonates deeply, ensuring that viewers of all ages find amusement.

Action Scenes: Pulse-Pounding and Hilarious

The action-packed sequences are a blend of creativity and humor. From high-speed chases through winding streets to gravity-defying heists, every scene keeps you on the edge of your seat while delivering bursts of laughter. A personal favorite was a middle act involving Gru and Poppy in a heist derailed by an unexpectedly aggressive honey badger.

The Interaction Between Gru and Minions

The relationship between Gru and the Minions remains a cornerstone of the film. Their camaraderie shines, especially during scenes where Gru must rely on the Minions' often unpredictable expertise. This symbiotic relationship offers both comic relief and touching moments, proving that despite their differences, they're a formidable team.

A Subplot Worthy of Applause

A Subplot Worthy of Applause

The subplot focuses on Gru's adopted daughters and their navigation through this new threat, adding depth. Particularly moving are Margo’s struggles with teenage problems amidst the chaos, offering a relatable thread for viewers. Madison Polan, as Agnes, brings a youthful innocence that contrasts beautifully with the more mature dilemmas faced by her siblings.

The Cinematic Pace: A Pleasing Rhythm

The film maintains a brisk pace, allowing little time for dull moments. Each twist and turn propels the story forward, creating a seamless narrative flow. Occasional lulls are gracefully interspersed with character-building scenes or comedic interludes, ensuring an engaging experience from start to finish.

Dialogue: Sharp and Impactful

Mike White and Ken Daurio’s writing is both witty and poignant. The dialogues capture the essence of each character, from Gru's gruff yet loving rebukes to Lucy's playful sass. Stephen Colbert as Perry Prescott delivers particularly amusing lines, offering a dry humor that contrasts with the more animated characters.

Emotional Core: Touching and Genuine

Beyond the laughter and thrills, Despicable Me 4 doesn’t shy away from its emotional core. The familial bonds, especially Gru’s commitment to protecting his loved ones, are heartfelt. Moments of vulnerability, like Gru Jr.'s struggles to find his place, add a touching layer to the narrative, making it more than just a fun watch but a meaningful one.

Thematic Depth: Subtle Yet Poignant

The film subtly weaves in themes of redemption, the importance of family, and self-acceptance. Maxime Le Mal's quest for revenge isn't just a villain's tirade but a complex narrative of spurned pride and misplaced priorities. The juxtaposition of Gru's past life with his present challenges paints a rich tapestry of personal growth and transformation.

Voice Acting: Perfectly Cast

Voice Acting Perfectly Cast

Voice acting is top-notch, with each actor bringing their A-game. Steve Carell's dual role as Gru and Chet Cunningham showcases his versatility, while Kristen Wiig's portrayal of Lucy brings warmth and energy. Newcomers like Will Ferrell and Joey King fit effortlessly into the ensemble, delivering performances that are both fresh and memorable.

Overall Cinematic Experience

From the moment the lights dimmed to the closing credits, Despicable Me 4 encapsulated a mix of visual splendor, sonic delights, and emotional arcs. The audience’s reactions - laughter, gasps, and occasional sniffles - mirrored my own, making it a shared journey of amusement and affection.

Conclusion: A Worthwhile Sequel

In the end, Despicable Me 4 proves to be a gratifying addition to the franchise. It blends humor, action, and heart in a way that engages both newcomers and long-time fans. The film’s ability to evolve while staying true to its roots showcases the creative prowess behind its inception. As I left the theater, I couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment, looking forward to the future adventures of Gru and his beloved minions.


  • Engaging storyline with a good mix of drama and comedy
  • Strong character development, both for returning and new characters
  • Exceptional animation quality
  • Catchy and well-integrated musical score
  • Balanced humor suitable for all ages


  • Some sequences may feel repetitive for long-time fans
  • Minor pacing issues in the middle of the film
  • A few secondary characters could use more screen time

Despicable Me 4 marks a successful return to the world of Gru, offering a movie experience that's both thrilling and heartwarming.

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