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Just Dance 2024 Edition

Ubisoft's dedication to keeping our feet moving is commendable, with Just Dance 2024 marking yet another year of rhythmic gaming. As someone who has dipped in and out of the series, the anticipation of discovering what new elements this installment could possibly bring was undeniable. Just Dance has evolved into a phenomena, encapsulating the essence of dance across a vast array of genres and eras. However, it's the nuances of these annual releases that often draw the most scrutiny.

A Familiar Tune with a New Beat

At first glance, Just Dance 2024 feels like a reunion with an old friend where everything and nothing has changed. The game boasts an extensive library of tracks, ranging from contemporary hits to timeless classics. This diverse selection caters to all kinds of dancers, whether they prefer the energetic vibes of contemporary hits or the classic beats of the 1980s. Featuring both popular and obscure songs, the compilation encourages players to explore and perhaps find new musical interests.

The Dance Floor Evolution

One of the more noticeable shifts this year is the decision to fully embrace smartphones as the primary method of tracking movements, sidelining traditional game controllers (with the exception of the Nintendo Switch’s Joy-Cons). This move brings both innovation and frustration. The idea of using something as accessible as a smartphone to dance along is ingenious, making the game more approachable. However, the experience is somewhat marred by the realization that only movements from the arm holding the phone are tracked, limiting the game's ability to fully recognize your dance prowess.

Visuals and Subscription Blues

The game's visual palette is as vibrant as ever, creating a spectacle that's both mesmerizing and slightly overwhelming. It’s akin to stepping into a kaleidoscope of colors and shapes, which perfectly complements the energy of the dance tracks. Nevertheless, the enthusiasm wanes upon encountering the game's monetization strategy. A significant portion of the song library is locked behind the Just Dance+ subscription, presenting a barrier to those seeking the full experience without additional costs.

The Dance Dilemma

Despite the game's attempts at inclusivity and accessibility, the reliance on a smartphone app for movement tracking is a double-edged sword. It's liberating to not be tethered to a specific controller, but the fear of damaging one's phone is a constant companion. The app's limitations in accurately capturing movements lead to moments of disconnect between the player's efforts and the game's feedback, which can be disheartening.

A Step Forward or Sidestep?

Just Dance 2024 continues to embody the spirit of dance, offering an extensive playlist that caters to a wide audience. However, it's hard to ignore the game's reliance on a subscription model for full access and the imperfect solution of using smartphones as controllers. While it remains a vibrant and enjoyable experience, these elements may give pause to those considering stepping onto the dance floor.


  • Wide range of music catering to diverse tastes.
  • Vibrant visuals that enhance the experience.
  • Accessible gameplay through the use of smartphones.


  • Significant content locked behind a subscription service.
  • Limited movement tracking with smartphones, reducing gameplay accuracy.
  • The potential risk of damaging one’s phone during energetic routines.
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To download the app, you will get links to the Official Website and/or official digital markets.

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