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Prime World

Prime World is a controversial MOBA from the Russian company Nival. Here, players fight in several modes, including the classic five-on-five confrontation. You can play as different heroes, and in the course of the battle, they will gradually get stronger.

Prime World is a thrilling entry in the MOBA genre, where players engage in dynamic and strategic team-based combat. Set in a vibrant fantasy universe, the game's narrative centers around a bitter rivalry between two distinct factions: the Adornians and the Dokht Imperium. Both sides are locked in a relentless struggle for control of a powerful resource known as Prime, a substance that grants its users incredible abilities and is key to dominating the battlefield. The player must join one of the sides and fight for prime (a local valuable resource) with the players of the opposing faction.

There are plenty of modes in the game, but the core one is a classic 5 on 5 player battle called "Frontier". Its essence is as follows. There is a small closed map on which there are two bases: the allied and the enemy. Both bases have a main building. Its destruction means victory for the opposing team. However, getting to that building is not easy. First, you have to destroy one of the prime mining buildings, and before that, the three defensive towers located on the line.

The goal of the game is to destroy the main building of the enemy. But to do this, you must first destroy the enemy team and destroy all the buildings of at least one of the lines. Other less significant MOBA subtleties you will learn yourself as the game progresses.

In Prime World, everything is different than in Dota 2 or LoL.

Firstly, there are two factions, and the player can fight only for one of them.

Secondly, each player here acts as a lord/lady and gets his castle. In this respect, Prime World is more like a browser strategy where you have to constantly build some houses and level them up to accumulate enough silver and get the heroes you need.

Thirdly, in Prime World, there is no traditional store for buying things in battle. Instead, there is a pre-built in-character set of talents, which the player is free to choose on their own in a special building of the castle before the battle. It's also significant that there's a plethora of talent, and they're of varying levels. Some will be available immediately by default, and some will have to be obtained in battles. And this is one of the key problems of Prime World; because of this system there is no total equality of players, which we are used to in other MOBAs.

Fourthly, each hero in Prime World has two versions of appearance and name - one per faction. That is, for example, the hero of the Doktes called "Combat" (popularly "Airborne"?), the Adornians will be called "Meijin" and his appearance will be quite different. Moreover, if in other MOBAs, ten unique heroes must fight, in Prime World, both "Combat" and "Meijin" will easily coexist in one session.


I think that Prime World is noteworthy, it is certainly worth playing. The game is developed on the Unity engine and boasts excellent graphics. Unlike most MOBA games that copy each other, Prime World offers atypical gameplay with unique features. Already because of this, it is worth seeing.

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