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Skyforge is a Sci-Fi action MMORPG in which anyone can become a god. Here players act as superior creatures and protect mortals from constant alien invasions. The game has an unusual system of character development, which has no levels. For there is equal PVP, which does not depend on the progress of the character, the sea of action, and good graphics.

Skyforge action unfolds on the planet Elyon, which constantly tries to occupy evil aliens from other worlds. Players take on the role of gods, who must repel attacks on their home planet and protect its mortal inhabitants. 

There are 18 character classes available in Skyforge, which are divided into 5 specific roles: tanks, mages, support, archers, and fighters. Each class has its divine form, and each class group (role) has its divine ultimacy skill. For example, "Wrath of God" (a shooter skill) will strike a group of enemies with lightning, and "Presence of God" (a tank skill) will create a black hole that sucks the enemy units and then scatters them around.

Skyforge has no levels like other MMORPGs. Instead of them, there is the main indicator - the power. Increasing it, you make the character more and more powerful.

The system of development of equipment looks the same ephemeral. Things come in 4 levels of quality. Depending on the quality, the number of passive properties the item adds to the character changes. For example, an unusual item contains 2 main properties, and the best, mythical item contains 3 main and 3 additional properties. Items of equipment can be developed, increasing their quality, and passive bonuses - to replace them with the necessary for your character.

Developers declared more than 100 different locations: the city, dungeons, raids, etc. Fight the monsters can be either alone or in a cooperative, gathered in a group with other players.

Free PVP in the game there. To fight between the players there are seven separate locations and a special ranking mode Battle Equals. As the name implies, all of its participants are equal, and a newcomer can easily challenge a veteran, regardless of the progress of his character.

In addition, gods can unite into pantheons and fight with other pantheons in large-scale battles for 70 players. It looks very spectacular and spectacular. There is also a story campaign that the player will progress through as the game progresses.


Overall Skyforge is very reminiscent of the action MMORPG shooter Warframe. Here, too, there are raids, the ability to create bizarre "builds" of equipment components, powerful bosses, and more, and the Battle of Equals - an analog of the "conclave" from Warframe. Not everyone will like it. But if you're looking for something different and waiting for something new from online role-playing games, Skyforge is worth trying. There are a lot of dynamics, good graphics, and an interesting system of hero development. And you will see the rest of the game with your own eyes.

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